Use "made a scandal|make a scandal" in a sentence

1. Like a row of cascading dominoes, scandal followed scandal.

2. The scandal made her resignation inevitable.

3. It was a big scandal.

4. The press could scent a scandal.

5. The scandal has made us the laughingstock of the country.

6. Countrywide’s Subprime Scandal

7. 5 Fleet Street loves a good scandal.

8. 21 The MP enmeshed in a scandal.

9. This is nothing short of a scandal.

10. We must avoid a scandal at all costs .

11. A political scandal has recently come to light.

12. Michael’s scandal a humbling experience for Basilian Fathers

13. A local TV station even covered the 'scandal'.

14. 22 The MP was enmeshed in a scandal.

15. That man will nose out a scandal anywhere.

16. Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.

17. Clouseau was his insurance policy against such a scandal.

18. He becomes an innocent dupe in a political scandal.

19. Daisy already married - but a runaway marriage, a family scandal.

20. The scandal has taken a new twist this week.

21. He resigned after his implication in a sex scandal.

22. There was a public outcry when the scandal broke.

23. The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.

24. The rumours soon ballooned into a full-grown scandal.

25. A scandal like this might jeopardize his political career.

26. His scandal stupefied his company.

27. The scandal broke in 19

28. He loved gossip and scandal.

29. Do hush up the scandal!

30. The Commotion caused by the political scandal made headlines all over the country

31. A scandal or two adds a little spice to office life.

32. 4 The scandal blew up into a major political furore.

33. The scandal was dug up by a well-informed journalist.

34. A narrowly avoided divorce scandal involving a prominent Member of Parliament.

35. Enfield forced Hyde to pay £100 to avoid a scandal.

36. Casey died of a brain tumor before the scandal broke.

37. 1 The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.

38. The officer brazened out the scandal.

39. Newspapers love to dig up scandal.

40. The subsequent scandal ruined Clark's health.

41. This scandal could topple the government.

42. After a Hollywood scandal with a famous actress puts the spotlight on him, Young-ho returns to Korea to wait for the scandal to die down.

43. Because the scandal would spoil your chances for a promotion?

44. His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal.

45. Gallacher was the personification of scandal.

46. The scandal has cost Nicholson dearly.

47. If word got out now, a scandal could be disastrous.

48. 10 The scandal took a new turn over the weekend.

49. I utterly abhor this scandal-mongering.

50. The scandal will soon blow over.

51. The scandal has stoked public outrage.

52. This scandal may topple the government.

53. Caesar divorced Pompeia over the scandal.

54. The scandal titillated the whole country.

55. The administration was tainted with scandal.

56. Her reputation suffered a mortal blow as a result of the scandal.

57. This scandal will reflect badly on the Party as a whole.

58. Ministers have dismissed the rumours of a bribery scandal as nonsense.

59. 2 His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal.

60. For weeks the affair threatened to be a cesspit of scandal.

61. The president of this company was wound up in a scandal.

62. He suffered a loss of prestige when the scandal was publicized.

63. The scandal may bring down the government.

64. Deflecting scandal and hiding from the press.

65. 23 The headlines are blaring the scandal.

66. The Watergate scandal was released by journalists.

67. To sully or defame: a scandal that Blackened the mayor's name

68. His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation.

69. His sexy scandal was quickly spread about.

70. But the scandal has cost Gilbey dearly.

71. 30 After the fraud scandal he had to make great efforts to salvage his reputation.

72. The scandal ended his meteoric political career .

73. She's always trying to stir up scandal.

74. The Prince emerged unscathed from the scandal.

75. Dieter is deposed after the ensuing scandal.

76. I'm Fleet Scribbler, from The Daily Scandal.

77. Scandal is tearing the government apart.

78. His reputation was tainted by the scandal.

79. 13 They are buzzing about the scandal.

80. 12 They are buzzing over the scandal.